This is an animated Tag tutorial created in Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI and Animation Shop 3. .
I hope you enjoy this tutorial.
Please send me your finished tag. I would love to see your results!!
Contact me via the link at the bottom of this page.
What's needed:
An Intermediate knowledge of PSP;
Corel PSP - Get a Free Trial .:Here:.
Alien skin Eye Candy Plugin .:Here:.
Here are links for animation software:
Animation Shop 3
EZ Gif Animator
Ulead Gif Animator

[Be sure to install the Mask and Preset Shape before opening your PSP software.
Just place these items into the corresponding folders.]
To use the Font provided, open it and minimize it on your desktop, it will be available when your PSP is open.
I used the beautiful art of Joerg Warda You must purchase a license to use his work Here.
(Click the link, it will open in a new window).
Now Let's Get Started!
Open a blank canvas 500x500px.
Open your tube, Edit/copy; close it, Edit/Paste as New Layer (resize if necessary)
Hide your tube layer, (make sure it is at the top of your palette.)
Layers/New Raster Layer, flood fill with a color from your tube.
Layers/Load Mask from disk - 'slats10-kris.jpg' (or Load Mask from Image if you have the mask on your work space.)
Apply the mask with these settings:
Source luminance=checked; Fit to canvas=checked; Invert transparency=checked; and Show all Mask=checked.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group.
Effects/Plugins/Alien Skin Eye Candy 4000/Impact/Glass (see diagram below for settings)
Image/Resize/80% 'All Layers'=unchecked.
Open the tube layer. [I moved mine below the mask layer for this step, then I moved it back to the top. I suggest you do the same.]
Get the 'eraser tool' with these settings; Shape=round/circle; Size=50; Hardness=10; Step=4; Density=100;Thickness=100; Rotation=10; Opacity=100; erase all of the tube out side the heart.
Note: Using the low 'Hardness' makes it easier not to erase to much of your tube.
Now move your tube layer back to the top. Place it in the center of the heart or where itbest suits your tag.
Duplicate your tube layer and close off the top tube.Activate the 2nd tube layer, Layers/Merge/Merge Down.
Get the 'Preset Shape Tool'. Get the 'prc heart shape' included in the supplies. (You should have placed/installed this in your PSP Preset Shapes folder)
Draw the heart. Stretch it out large enough to completely cover the mask heart.
Get the text tool and choose a color or 2 from your tube. Place the 'A' on the point at the bottom of the heart. When the 'A' has a cradle under it click and type your text onto the heart.
**Use the spacebar on your keyboard to move the text around the heart.
Click on the + on this layer in the layers palette. On the 'A' sub-layer right click and click on 'Convert text to Path' - 'As Single Shape'.
Click on the sub-layer of the heart that is under and the sub-text layer and delete this layer.
Add a drop show to your text with these settings: V=3, H=0, Opacity=50, Blur=5, Color=Black. **(I had just enough text to cover one side of the heart so I duplicated the layer and mirrored it. Use your own imagination and style here.).
Layers/Merge/Merge Visible. Add copyright and your info.
Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.
Layers/New Raster Layer. Get the Preset Shape Tool with the 'prc heart shape'. In your materials palette set the 'Foreground' to 'nil' and the 'Background ' to the same color as your mask.
Draw a heart large enough to cover most of the center of the chest of your tube. (This will create a vector layer that should be above your tag and below the closed tube layer)
Layers/Covert to Raster Layer.
Effects/Plugins/Alien Skin Eye Candy 4000/Impact/Glass; with the same settings as above.
Open your top tube layer, Image/Resize/10%/all layers=unchecked
Place the image in the center of the heart (see my tag for example). Remove any excess with the eraser.
Layers/Merge/Merge Down.
With the move tool, place the heart in the center of the chest (or where you want it on your tag). Duplicate this layer 2 times.
Activate your 2nd heart layer.Image/Resize/80%/all layers=unchecked. Activate the 3rd layer, Image/Resize/60%/all layers=unchecked. Place the hearts precisely on top of each other.
You now have 4 layers. Activate the bottom layer. Close off layers 2 and 3. Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.
Open Animation Shop. Edit/Paste as new animation.
Back to PSP, click the back button once. Close the 1st layer and open layer 2. Layers/Merge/Merge Visible. Edit/Copy.
Back to AS, Edit/paste after current frame. Back to PSP, click the back button once and close the 2nd layer and open layer 3. Repeat the merge and copy process.
Back to AS, Edit/paste after current frame TWICE. Back to PSP, use the back button once. Close layer 3 and open layer 2 repeat copy and merge and back to AS and paste after current frame.
Back to PSP close layer 2 and open layer 1 and repeat merge and copy and back in AS paste after current frame.
You now have 6 frames in AS. Keep this animation at the top of your work space.
Open the 'Floating Hearts' .gif file provided in the supplies. Animation/Resize with these settings: Pixel size=checked, width=500, height=500. Place this animation below your tag .
Click on the first frame of the floaties to activate it. Now click on the tag animation, Edit/Select All, Edit/propagate paste.
Place the mouse cursor on the center of your tag and drag to the floaties animation and release when you have it placed where you want it.
[FYI (In case this happens to you) The 'propagate paste' never works the first time for me in my AS I always have to do it twice]
If all looks well, Edit/Select all; then Animation/Frame properties, set speed properties to 23 and save as .gif file (Remember to change the file name or you will overwrite the floaties gif file).
I hope you enjoy this tag as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Hugz N' Luv
.::. This tag was animated in EZ Gif Animator .::.
This tutorial is created and written by me. Any resemblance to another is totally coincidental and unintentional. This tutorial is to be used for non-commercial purposes only. You may share the link to this tutorial in PSP groups. Mask used here was obtained from group shares. All copyrights belong to the original creators.
Be My Valentine Tutorial © Lil Dymun/DymunArt™ Creations Jan 8, 2009, all rights reserved.
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Please send me your results to post for others to see. I'll link to you if you wish.